Midlands Simon Community`s Voluntary Board of Directors
- Mark Cooney (Chairperson)
- Molly Buckley
- Brian Cowen
- Mary Doyle
- Tom Keady (Treasurer)
- P.O. Keenan (Vice Chairperson)
- Bernadette O'Mahony
- Willie Burns
- Tom Donohue (Interim Secretary)
- Philip Fagan
The Board of Directors of Midlands Simon Community are there in a voluntary capacity and are committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance in the management and operation of the organisation. The Boards composition reflects a broad range of relevant skills and experience which is essential for the effective oversight and governance of the organisation.
The Board is also complimented by the following Sub Committees:
- Finance Committee
- Fundraising and Communications Committee
- Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
- Executive Committee
Midlands Simon Community is a Company Limited by Guarantee (371956), a Registered Charity (20053727) and a Tier 1 Approved Housing Body. The organisation is required to make an annual return to the Companies Registration Office, the Charities Regulator and the Housing Agency.
Midlands Simon Community have also signed up to and are committed to:
- The Good Governance for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland
- The Governance Code
- Code of Charity Retailing 2013-2014
- Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising